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Strategic Planning+


You know you need an outside perspective to help you build a strong fundraising strategy, but you hesitate to invest in an expensive process that leaves you with lots of lofty ideas and no real change.

I understand that great ideas alone don’t raise dollars. I go beyond analysis and planning to identify tangible, targeted projects that I can help you execute. You will be primed for success with some early wins and a clear plan to build on your momentum.


I can help by . . .

  • Completing a comprehensive audit of your organization’s existing fundraising plan and identifying opportunities for growth.

  • Conducting prospect research and relationship mapping to help expand donor networks and strengthen existing connections.

  • Strengthening board engagement in fundraising activities.

  • Forming and training a board fundraising committee and building a culture of fundraising across your organization.

  • Coaching your executive director and other leaders in your organization to be effective fundraisers.